Monday, December 20, 2010

The A.Q. is Back!

Hi folks!

After a brief hiatus, the A.Q. is back! We have made some structural changes to the site, so be prepared to take notes.

We here at the A.Q.  have made it our New Year's resolution to provide more gateways to music this year; that means WAY more album and concert reviews. In order to reach this goal, MattintheBelfry has re-structured how we do updates here at the 'Q. Album reviews are now split into two categories: Albums of the Week, and A.Q. Reviews.

Albums of the Week can include recent albums to forgotten favorites, and will be selected based on cultural significance, author preference, and current social impact.

A.Q. Reviews will be update multiple times a week, and will include "Top 10" lists,  shorter reviews of recent albums and artists, and A.Q. suggested lists.

The Aural Attic will be receiving a complimentary facelift as well - with more music buzz, random thoughts, song reflections, and mini-blogs. As our fanbase grows, we hope to include playlist challenges and other contest here as well!

The "Unplugged" section will continue to be regularly updated. Unfortunately, due to these increased updates, the "Local Yokel" section of the A.Q. has been temporarily suspended.

We hope you enjoy the new format and more frequent updates - and as Bill and Ted once said,

"Be excellent to each other!"

- MattintheBelfry

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