
What is the Aural Quarrel?

The A. Q. is a free blog created and maintained by MattintheBelfry. The A.Q. acts as a lifeline in the sea of never ending artists, albums, genres, and humanity that both is music and results from it.

How is the A.Q. organized?

The posts on the A.Q. are organized by topic and updated regularly based on that topic. Each of these topics has a directory to the updates within that topic, located as a tabs at the top of the homepage. The topics are:

Album and Concert Reviews
Critical reviews on a variety of albums and concerts, updated weekly.

Albums are reviewed either in posts under Albums of the Week or post under A.Q. Reviews. The 

Albums of the Week are updated weekly and consist of in-depth analysis of an album selected by the A.Q. regardless of release date.

A.Q. Reviews are updated multiple times a week and include shorter reviews, Top 10 lists, and thoughts on albums released within the past year of the publishing of the update.

All albums and concert reviews can be found in the "Review Directory" page.

Posts of relevant original articles, discussions, and topics dealing with the socio-political and cultural impact of music, updated weekly

The Aural Attic
Irregular posts including song reflections, concert promotions, playlist challenges, and random thoughts

Aural Memory
Links to fellow music blogs, local artists, affiliates, etc. 

Poll Questions
Located on the left sidebar on the homepage, updated irregularly.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I allow the A.Q. to influence my music?

The sole true qualifications MattintheBelfry has are nearly all out of his control. Due to his age, setting at a music school, job status, and of course, the fact that he does not travel anywhere without his Ipod and has dropped more money at local record shops than he has on rent the past two years, MattintheBelfry has and continues to listen to a much wider volume and variety of music than the average American. And with a wider volume and breadth of experience, he may be able to offer insights that will help the reader in their purchases, discoveries, and indirectly, how you listen to your own music. It's simple mathematics.

Also, due to the independent nature of the A.Q., the contributions are not swayed by commercialism, as the blog does not profit from the sales of particular artists, albums, or shows. 

Is the material on the A.Q. protected by copyright laws?

Yes, all original material, unless otherwise specified, is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Where can I listen to samples from the music mentioned on the A.Q.?

Right here on site! Simply scroll down on the homepage and click play on the Amazon.com mp3 player to hear samples from recent music.

Where can I purchase the music reviewed or mentioned on the A.Q.?

Any online music retailer for the most part. When available, the music reviewed or mentioned in a post will be avialable through the Amazon.com links directly below each post. Other online music retailers include Itunes, emusic.com, and napster.com.

Of course, record shops are also viable options (and offer a much different and music-cultivating atmosphere!). MattintheBelfry's personal favorites are Cutler's in New Haven, CT, and Princeton Record Exchange, in Princeton, NJ, both linked in the Aural Memory sections of the blog.

What's with all the advertisements?

The advertisements seen on the blog are vital to the upkeep costs of the project. We do our best to keep them under control, and relevant to the site (i.e. music related).

How do I contact the blog?

Send us an email to Theauralquarrel@gmail.com, or tweet MattintheBelfry directly @MattintheBelfry.

I own a music related blog or website; is it possible to link or advertise on the A.Q.?

Yes. Please contact the A.Q. for further information.

Is it possible to blog for the A.Q.?

Currently, the A.Q. is not accepting applications for more paid bloggers. However, this may change in the future, once the blog is past its initial stages.